Planet Philadelphia
Environmental Radio Show
4-5:00 PM ET 1st & 3rd Fridays/month
WGGT-LP 92.9 FM in NW Philadelphia
4-5:00 PM ET 1st & 3rd Fridays/month
WGGT-LP 92.9 FM in NW Philadelphia
Can we really have a future of better health and comfort with fairer distribution of infrastructure and good management? Listen 4-5 pm Friday 10/5/18 to Planet Philadelphia on 92.9 FM and/or streaming at to hear from two guests who believe so and will tell us about these important issues:
POWERful claim to stop the Nicetown gas plant with Anthony Giancatarino: There is a lot of pollution in our air which affects all our health. It is worse in some areas, particularly those with populations of people with lower incomes and people of color. Nicetown is one such area, and many in the community are working to stop SEPTA from adding to their already heavy pollution burden.
Anthony Giancatarino will be in the G-Town Radio station on 4-5 pm Friday, 10/5/18, to talk about working with POWER on their request that the Environmental Protection Agency investigate a Civil Rights violation by the City of Philadelphia’s Air Management Services. The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has designated Nicetown, and the area surrounding the SEPTA site, as an “Environmental Justice Area.” By law, AMS should have applied heightened scrutiny to prevent adverse and disparate impacts on the population protected by the Environmental Justice Area designation. AMS failed to fulfill this obligation. Giancatarino is currently a project fellow on Just Community Energy Transitions (JCET) housed at the Movement Strategy Innovation Center. Locally, in Philadelphia, PA, Anthony partners with local leaders to support organizing efforts, strategic planning, alignment building, and community-driven policy solutions that seek to transition away from extractive policies, practices, and spaces towards a more rooted and regenerative energy economy.
Gaining comfort and saving energy with Peter Winslow:
Do you work or live in a building where you are always either too cold or too warm? A lot of us are. This is not only uncomfortable, it unnecessarily wastes a lot of energy. There are options available now with our present technology to do better job.
Peter Winslow will also be here on October 5th to discuss his work with energy efficient management and applications of energy efficiency technologies to building maintenance and operations addressing just such difficulties. His mission is to bring people back into the equation. This discussion will included his work with the $300MM Port Development Plan, and his ESTCP projects for the Department of Defense, working with Carnegie Mellon, Siemens, and Rutgers. Winslow is the President of the Evolve Foundation and the Founder/President of the FLAG (the Free Loan Association for Germantown). He is actively engaged in advocacy for the environmental and social justice community, including initiatives of Green Justice Philly, Pennsylvania Interfaith Power and Light, 350 Philadelphia, POWER, Clean Water Action, and other organizations.
Planet Philadelphia is an environmental radio show produced and hosted by Kay Wood along with assistance from reporter Linda Rosenwein, 4:00-5:00 p.m. the first and third Friday every month. Tune in your radio dial to Germantown Community Radio 92.9 FM WGGT-LP in NW Philadelphia, or listen to the live streaming at G-Town Radio at anywhere. Shows aired live will be available as podcasts shortly after they broadcast. Call (484) 278-1846 to record a comment or event announcement anytime to be aired on the next Planet Philadelphia radio show. | facebook | @planetphila | @gtownradio We are turning Saturday, September 29th (9/29) into 92.9 day. Join us at the G-town Radio studio for a listener record party. You bring the records, we put it on the air. Sign up for the event here.
The event runs from 4-8 PM. Bring your record, CD or MP3 and we'll play it on 92.9 FM. Come down with the family, bring a friend, tell you grandparents. We'll have some special treats for everyone. Podcast: Preparing for Climate Refugees and Rehabbing Historic Buildings Planet Philadelphia 9/21/189/23/2018
After a summer full of huge fires in the West, and while people in the Carolinas are reeling from Hurricane Florence, Planet Philadelphia is marking the first anniversary of Hurricane Maria with guests telling us some ways to prepare for the ever increasing challenges of the climate change crisis. Listen to this Planet Philadelphia to hear from two guests about taking action now with hopes for more positive results.
Music: Joni Mitchell- Big Yellow Taxi Kansas Joe McCoy and Memphis Minnie - When The Levee Breaks David Szesztay - Sunny Street Bob Dylan - A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall Planet Philadelphia is an environmental radio show produced and hosted by Kay Wood along with assistance from reporter Linda Rosenwein, 4:00-5:00 p.m. the first and third Friday every month. Tune in your radio dial to Germantown Community Radio 92.9 FM WGGT-LP in NW Philadelphia, or listen to the live streaming at G-Town Radio at, and/or on your mobile devices with your radio app. Shows aired live will be available as podcasts shortly after they broadcast. Call (484) 278-1846 to record a comment or event announcement anytime to be aired on the next Planet Philadelphiaradio show. | facebook | @planetphila | @gtownradio
After a summer full of huge fires in the West, and while people in the Carolinas are reeling from Hurricane Florence, Planet Philadelphia is marking the first anniversary of Hurricane Maria with guests telling us some ways to prepare for the ever increasing challenges of the climate change crisis.
Listen to Planet Philadelphia 4-5 pm today on Germantown Community Radio on 92.9 FM WGGT-LP, Philadelphia and on to hear from two guests about taking action now with hopes for more positive results.
Planet Philadelphia is an environmental radio show produced and hosted by Kay Wood along with assistance from reporter Linda Rosenwein, 4:00-5:00 p.m. the first and third Friday every month. Tune in your radio dial to Germantown Community Radio 92.9 FM WGGT-LP in NW Philadelphia, or listen to the live streaming at G-Town Radio at, and/or on your mobile devices with your radio app. Shows aired live will be available as podcasts shortly after they broadcast. Call (484) 278-1846 to record a comment or event announcement anytime to be aired on the next Planet Philadelphiaradio show. | facebook | @planetphila | @gtownradio Life is complex in all our endeavors. Climate change is presenting more challenges. Tune in to Planet Philadelphia 4-5 pm Friday 9/21/18 on 92.9 FM Germantown Community Radio and streaming at to hear from two guests about taking action now with hopes for more positive results. Preparing for climate change refugees: Julia Menzo will talk about the complexities of climate refugees and the difficulties when there is competition for scarce community resources. She leads the Lutheran Disaster Response program in Eastern Pennsylvania and serves as the Director of Community Outreach for Lutheran Congregational Services, a ministry of Liberty Lutheran. Julia has a background in natural resource management. After her trip to volunteer for Hurricane Katrina rebuilding, she started her career in long term disaster planning and recovery. Juliacurrently serves as Co-Chair of Southeastern PA Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster and asChair of the Greater Philadelphia Long Term Recovery Committeewhich serves Hurricane Maria evacuees to Philadelphia. Preserving and improving historic buildings in Germantown: Peter Winslow will talk about rehabbing historic buildings in Germantown, not only to keep their historic character but also to make them more energy efficient. He is President of the Evolve Foundation and Founder/President of the FLAG (the Free Loan Association for Germantown). Peter is actively engaged in community environmental and social justice advocacy. Planet Philadelphia is an environmental radio show produced and hosted by Kay Wood along with assistance from reporter Linda Rosenwein, 4:00-5:00 p.m. the first and third Friday every month. Tune in your radio dial to Germantown Community Radio 92.9 FM WGGT-LP in NW Philadelphia, or listen to the live streaming at G-Town Radio at, and/or on your mobile devices with your radio app. Shows aired live will be available as podcasts shortly after they broadcast. Call (484) 278-1846 to record a comment or event announcement anytime to be aired on the next Planet Philadelphiaradio show. | facebook | @planetphila | @gtownradio Podcast: Planet Philadelphia 9/7/18 - The Quest For Bi-partisanship On The Climate Change Crisis9/8/2018
Politics, Environment and Bipartisanship; Discussions about the quest for bi-partisanship in addressing our climate change crisis on the Planet Philadelphia environmental radio show aired 9/7/18:
Music: Big Yellow Taxi – Joni Mitchell The World is Changing - Movie Theater Dawn of the Cosmos - Art Of Escapism Working In The Coal Mine - Lee Dorsey Never Turn Your Back On Mother Earth - Sparks Planet Philadelphia is an environmental radio show produced and hosted by Kay Wood along with assistance from reporter Linda Rosenwein, 4:00-5:00 p.m. the first and third Friday every month. Tune in your radio dial to Germantown Community Radio 92.9 FM WGGT-LP in NW Philadelphia, or listen to the live streaming at G-Town Radio at, and/or on your mobile devices with your radio app. Shows aired live will be available as podcasts shortly after they broadcast. | facebook | @planetphila | @gtownradio On your radio dial today: Planet Philadelphia 4-5 PM 92.9 FM WGGT-LP in NW Philadelphia, or listen to the live stream at G-Town Radio at The November election is approaching and it’s time to think about how our electoral parties are going to be able to deal with the environment and what people in different parties think about global warming.
Planet Philadelphia won the 2024 SustainPHL Sustainable Storyteller award.These nominees use storytelling through various media to inspire positive change and highlight environmental actions.
Planet Philadelphia is a radio show about our shared environment aired 4:00-5:00 PM EST 1st &3rd Friday a month on WGGT-LP 92.9 FM in Philadelphia and/or at Also on Villanova University’s radio station, WXVU, Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m. at 89.1FM.
Podcasts are available at show archives page. Individual interviews. Planet Philadelphia is a partner in Covering Climate Now, a global collaboration of more than 250 news outlets to strengthen coverage of the climate story.
December 2024